7000 Wonders

7000 Wonders

From the Blog


The Rain In Spain

It's the “Spain” part/Spanish flavour that makes Galway truly unique - so much so that many would consider the town “more Spanish than Irish”.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


"Go West, Young Man"

The farther down the Wild Atlantic Way and the closer to the Sun's “overnight hotel”, the more dominant Queen Nature becomes.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

2 min read


Dances With Sheep

As it infrequently happens, it was that appetizer that turned into the meal of the day.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


By George!

Most of what had been built during those 116 years, came to be known as “Georgian houses” that in turn formed “Georgian Quarters”. In a relatively small town, such a quarter might easily account for a significant part of the town centre

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


The Art Of Squeezing

Little Museum of Dublin, whose very name implies that it must have perfected the Fine Art of Squeezing necessary to exhibit a variety of objects in but little space

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

2 min read


Children Of The North Wind

In 795 a raiding party found itself at a point where two rivers met and created a tidal pool. The churning water looked black - so, the party leader called the place “black pool”, or “dubh lynn”

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


Resisting The Wind Of Change

The heart and soul of Tara is its numerous monuments, among them the famous throughout Ireland “Lia Fail” - the “Stone of Destiny” - that would “roar in joy when the rightful High King of Ireland put his feet on it”

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


Irish Pyramids

Accordingly, numerous burial rituals were created by pre-scientific cultures to provide the deceased with everything necessary for a smooth transition. One of such cultures found its way to what's known in Ireland as “the Ancient East”.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


Taming Time

As professors continued to teach, and students continued to learn and graduate, Time kept doing one and only positive thing it can do really well - namely, building reputation

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read