7000 Wonders

7000 Wonders

From the Blog


Hard Rock

Ever since, “Tariq's Mountain” has been anything but regular - and never failing to challenge or surprise in most aspects of one's daily life.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


A Desert Mirage

There is a wonder that is the easiest to overlook - Dubai itself, or maybe I should call it “the spirit of Dubai”.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


Fear As An Artform

What happened next was a societal equivalent of what is known in mathematics as “the Paradox of the Turtle” - every development (or piece of reasoning) is perfectly natural and logical but the outcome/conclusion is completely absurd.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read



Bled's (and, arguably, the whole country's) truly unique focal point - a real jewel in its crown - is a glacial lake of the same name.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


A Pun-Loving Capital

The country's name - it's completely misleading when heard by an English speaker. The first letter does matter, and the actual root of the word is related to “Language” or “Word”

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


"I Don't Understand"

The most overlooked wonder in our Universe is Life itself!

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


Space-Time Continuum

Such festivals celebrate cultural and culinary traditions brought by immigrants from their old country to the new one - and quite often, several generations participate in presenting those traditions.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


Best Frenemies

It's the risk that shapes the sport's inimitable ambience by creating a unique fraternity of high-divers - and it's the fraternity that is responsible for the rest of the traditions...

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


Australia's DNA

The country isn't passionate about a particular sport but rather about the concept of sports as such.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read