7000 Wonders

7000 Wonders

From the Blog


Up In Smoke

Such was the power of its explosion that it threw the two continents into a time machine and left them as endlessly remote from each other as they had been more than a millennium ago...

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


A Streaming Service

While the above examples and interesting and informative, there is nothing unusual about them - unlike about the countries whose names aren't just slightly misleading but the direct opposites of what the countries actually are!

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


Honouring the Past, Embracing the Future

As time went by, advancing modernity, combined with inherent variety, kept adding to Gibraltar's quaintness.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


Pillars of Strength

Heracles decided to commemorate his success - so, he broke the mountain that connected Africa and Europe, thus creating two huge pillars seen from far and wide. The Rock of Gibraltar is one of those pillars

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

2 min read


Hard Rock

Ever since, “Tariq's Mountain” has been anything but regular - and never failing to challenge or surprise in most aspects of one's daily life.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


A Desert Mirage

There is a wonder that is the easiest to overlook - Dubai itself, or maybe I should call it “the spirit of Dubai”.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read


Fear As An Artform

What happened next was a societal equivalent of what is known in mathematics as “the Paradox of the Turtle” - every development (or piece of reasoning) is perfectly natural and logical but the outcome/conclusion is completely absurd.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read



Bled's (and, arguably, the whole country's) truly unique focal point - a real jewel in its crown - is a glacial lake of the same name.

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

3 min read


A Pun-Loving Capital

The country's name - it's completely misleading when heard by an English speaker. The first letter does matter, and the actual root of the word is related to “Language” or “Word”

Edward Porper

Edward Porper

4 min read